Waiting for the Winter Solstice — a poem

Me again.  I wanted to post this newly written poem before Dec 21 as we  eagerly wait for the Solstice and increasing light.

Waiting for the Winter Solstice

This time of year the night is long,
the starlings murmurate,
the crows abstain their calls at dawn,
a circling seagull waits.

This time of year earthworms go deep,
slime-wrapped they aestivate
and quite alone, each queen bee* sleeps
— in spring she’ll procreate.

This time of year the bare, stripped trees
reveal more stars and moon,
the cold’s way of appeasement
— but yes, Solstice is coming soon.

*Only the queen bumblebee overwinters.

Poem and photo by me, EE Nobbs  (I tried to use common meter form for the poem — which was a challenge!)


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